Here we have Jake watching Henchman's origin. Clearly, this part of the movie will make it the feel good film of the year

tablet test drawing that did not go well

This is the first attempt at a tablet drawing with Jake.

These are from, like, a year ago now. You can tell from the even more obvious lack of proportions, Jake's thinning hair in the bottom right picture, and me having not yet decided to stick with the retractable arms as a result of mutation. Also, I believe this was when I first decided on Jake's last name. The expressions are cute, though!

This is me messing around with Jake's vanishing point neck. His body and background have already been sucked in. OH NOES.

I drew this while listening to The Eels' "Fresh Feeling" after downloading some Scrubs Soundtrack songs

More vanishing point neck shenanigans. It's a black hole!

Jake's life-long dream is to have a saxaphone duet with Bill Clinton.
Nice art you got there. And also I will have to hold on for a while for that DTTAH fansite. I'm kinda busy right now.
Skey dokes, there's no rush. I'm busy myself.
Cool. Whenever I get some free time I will work on it some more.
any chance I could use your pic, a couple of mates of mine have a sax duet gig coming up, ideal pic, I'd credit you of course!
Hi, could I use your pic, 2 of my mates are doing a sax duet gig very soon and your image would be great to use, I'd credit you and link back of course. Cheers, C Williams
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